Every 5 Minutes a

Child is Diagnosed

with Cancer in the US!

Fighting Childhood Cancer and
Supporting Families in Need

Inspired by 11-year-old cancer warrior Sophie Ryan who was diagnosed at just 8 1/2 months old, Saving Sophie is registered 501(c)3 non-profit dedicated to spreading advocacy, and providing grants for out-of-pocket treatments for cancer. 

Help a Family in Need Today!

The treatments for pediatric cancer can last up to three years or more and cost on average $425,000, not including housing, travel and food but the individual cost of care can vary greatly. 30-50% of families will report one parent leaving the workforce due to a pediatric cancer diagnosis and can reach up to a 40% loss of income after work disruption and expenses. 15% of families will fall from above to below the poverty line and funeral costs can range from $6,000 to over $15,000. These families are desperate for help! Donate today and you can help make a difference in a family who is in the fight of their lives.


Funding Research

Saving Sophie is funding cancer research that is focused on bringing no to low toxicity treatments to market that work to reverse damage to the immune system that allowed the cancer to grow in the first place. Learn more about the leading scientific mind behind these incredible studies.


Supporting Patients

Every child deserves to grow up happy, healthy, and with treatment options that not only work, but don't take away their childhood due to extreme toxicity. Saving Sophie has worked diligently to find resources that family can utilize to help guide them on their wellness journey. Whether it be another charity that can provides resources to families, or holistic practitioners that may have additional immune boosting options for those suffering from disease, our Families section can provide tools for families looking for support.


Sophie's Story

Learn first hand about Sophie Ryan's story, and the incredible results she is seeing on a Natural Killer Cell therapy developed from her father's donated immune cells. Almost a year off treatment Sophie's disease continues to die, she's never been healthier, and she has a tumor that is supposed to remain in her brain permanently due to the lack of an effective treatment for low-grade tumors. Through her successes we hope to lead the change in pediatric and adult treatments that fix the core issue of why we get cancer: a broken Natural Killer Cell System.


In the News

The Ryan family has made advocacy and public education a primary focus over the last 8 years.

Through their efforts, their story has been documented globally in documentaries, network television,

national and global publications, celebrity podcasts, national radio shows and beyond.

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